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I first came with really bad sciatica. I barely could move and even sleep was difficult. Acupuncture really help me to ease the pressure from the nerves of the spinal disk and to release the multiple contractions of the upper back. Very grateful.

David, Felixtowe


Acutherapy offers gentle, individually tailored and effective treatment for a wide range of health problems.


  • Acupuncture is used alongside other traditional techniques such as moxibustion, cupping and massage.  


  • The focus is on providing maximum benefit with minimum intervention. Treatments are safe, relaxing and restorative.


  • Symptoms are alleviated and imbalances corrected, promoting your body's ability to heal itself.

Sam Weller BSc Hons MBAcC 
Qualified in 2003 with a BSc in Traditional Acupuncture from Westminster University. Fully accredited and insured member of the British Acupuncture Council.

What to expect during your appointment

  • In the initial consultation we will discuss why you have come, your medical history, current medications and other relevant information.


  • All information given is treated confidentially.


  • An examination might include taking your pulse , gentle palpation of the abdomen or a postural assessment.


what to expect

A gentle form of acupuncture that works on the principle of less is more. Superfine needles and painless shallow insertion make for a deeply relaxing experience. 


Dried Japanese Mugwort is formed into balls and burnt on needles on the skin. The result is a warming and relaxing treatment with a powerful ability to reduce tension and trigger healing.


Working on acupuncture points and areas of tension, a hands-on treatment provides an excellent counter to stress and its effect on our bodies.

Cups are placed on the skin and the vacuum pulls gently on the tissues invigorating local circulation, bringing lasting relief from the effects of old injury.


For appointments and enquiries please call or email:

01394 382866


Sam Weller BSc Hons MBAcC

Albany Villa, Melton Road
Woodbridge, Suffolk
IP12 1PD

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